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2k15 Rip the Elwood Recap

Rob Wheeler

The 3rd annual RIp the Elwood Longboard Competition was another successful event for Faceplant Boardriders and WheelRZ. The day was packed full of events adding Boarder Cross and Slalom Racing into the schedule. We had 54 registered riders come out and Rip the ELwood! Thank you to all the riders and parents for coming out and supporting the event and a big thank you to everyone who helped make this event happen. Hope to see you at our last event: 4th Annual Skate the Cape Shred Festival!

Rider: Aaron Gordy PC: Ross Earhart

Official Results of 2015 Rip the Elwood:

Downhill Time Trials:

PRO 1st: Ryan Yearsley 1:06, 2nd: Steve Fitzmaurice 1:08, 3rd: Jarrid Lopez 1:09.5, 4th: Aaron Gordy 1:09.8, 5th Nolan Kramer 1:18 AMATEUR 1st: Adam Clay 1:09, 2nd: Daniel Marvel 1:20.2, 3rd: Austin Manning 1:20.8, 4th: Zach Longacre 1:21, 5th: HYDRO 1:25 GROM 1st: Dillion Walter 1:10 2nd: Troy Drain 1:12, 3rd: Nathan Yager 1:15

BoarderCross 1st: Jarrid Lopez, 2nd: Zach Longacre, 3rd: Aaron Gordy

Slalom 1st: Jarrid Lopez, 2nd: Rob Wheeler, 3rd: Ryan Yearsley

Slide Jam

PRO: 1st: Dylan Pearce, 2nd: Steve Fitzmaurice, 3rd: Kevin Doyle AMATEUR 1st: Ryan Devitt, 2nd: Lucas Lucas William Steadman, 3rd: Louis Smith GROM 1st: Ben Clark, 2nd: Nathan Smith, 3rd: Gavin Pantellas

Hippy Jump: Aaron Gordy 52"

Longest Slide: Lucas William Steadman(toe) and Hunter Herzog(heel)

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